How Long Does A Chiropractic Adjustment Last?
Chiropractic treatment is a popular treatment modality that saves many people who are experiencing pain from undergoing surgical intervention. From relieving chronic pain to improving joint mobility, there are numerous benefits of a chiropractic adjustment. Ultimately chiropractors are occupied in correcting the root cause of the pain.
One query many people considering chiropractic have is how long does a chiropractic adjustment last? There is no specific answer to this, as several factors determine how long the effects of the treatment can last before making another chiropractic visit. We will discuss this here and also explain how you can increase the duration of your pain relief.
Chiropractic Care for Pain Relief
The most common problem for which people seek chiropractic treatment is debilitating back or neck pain. A pinched nerve (sciatic nerve) may be the underlying cause of lower back pain (LBP). This pinching is mostly attributed to intervertebral disc issues and extremely common in desk workers who have sat in front of a computer for many years.
Lower back pain is managed well with chiropractic intervention. The spinal adjustment corrects the misalignment and helps provide immediate relief. There is a high patient satisfaction rate for chiropractic treatment amongst chronic low back pain patients.
Research from one study demonstrated that only 13 percent of 722 low back pain patients reported recurrence after 12 months of treatment completion. That indicates that most patients can stay symptom-free for at least one year.
The effects of a chiropractic treatment plan generally last for weeks to months. A follow-up study revealed a 20 to 35% recurrence of back pain after 6 to 22 months post-treatment. Recurrence is observed, but disability is rare. That means that the majority of patients experienced no significant recurrence after 22 months of chiropractic treatment.
The study also concluded that patients have greater satisfaction with chiropractors than other healthcare providers, like orthopaedic surgeons.
The gentle touch of a chiropractor can also help eliminate neck pain, and for a lasting period. Neck pain patients who have completed chiropractic care can expect to stay pain-free for several months to years. Studies demonstrate that recurrence of neck pain within a year after spinal manipulation is low.
It is generally accepted that the effects of chiropractic manipulation for pain alleviation can last a good one to two years.
Chiropractic Care for Joint Mobility
Chiropractic adjustments allow significant improvements in the range of motion of the joints. Arthritis and Ankylosing spondylitis patients frequently suffer from joint stiffness. Research shows that spinal manipulative therapy and physical therapy, when provided for a period of 12 weeks, lead to improvement of symptoms, which can last for a few months.
Many athletes and sports players seek regular chiropractic adjustment for optimal spinal alignment and muscle strength. In such cases, chiropractic therapy alleviates muscle soreness and joint pain and supports longevity.
Factors Affecting the Duration of Chiropractic Treatment Effects
Chiropractic treatment can provide long-term results or short-term pain relief, which varies for each patient. It can even be a permanent solution in some cases.
Whether the impact of chiropractic sessions lasts a few hours or a few months depends on several factors, including:
Disease Severity
Severe chronic disorders take longer to improve, and their effects last for a shorter period. For example, osteoarthritis is a chronic condition, and a chiropractic patient with advanced disease usually has a shorter span of pain relief.
The extent of spinal misalignment in case of disc bulging or protrusion also plays a role in the longevity of the chiropractic treatment effects.
In advanced cases, multiple ongoing chiropractic sessions are required to achieve pain reduction, and may need to be ongoing to provide support.
Age and Fitness Status
Elderly people with persistently poor posture have permanently modified musculoskeletal structures. Restoring the original position through chiropractic care is difficult to execute and even harder to maintain.
On the other hand, younger people have better muscle strength and healing potential. Therefore, treatment paired with posture correction can have long-lasting effects on them.
Cause of the Disorder
Auto-immune disorders, like rheumatoid arthritis and spondyloarthritis, cause persistent inflammation of the joints. In cases of uncontrolled disease, the benefits of chiropractic treatment are short-lived due to the recurrence of inflammation in the muscles and joints.
How Can I Prolong the Effects of Chiropractic Adjustment?
You can enhance the effects of chiropractic adjustments by making some simple and easy tweaks to your lifestyle, such as:
Staying Active
All patients who have recovered with chiropractic care must adopt some way of staying physically active. Walking is the simplest yet most effective way of keeping the joints and the muscles healthy.
Maintaining a Good Posture
Chiropractors emphasise avoid spinal misalignment by keeping a good posture. Poor posture is probably the leading cause of spinal issues and associated symptoms.
Text neck syndrome is a common modern-day problem arising from excessive smartphone and computer usage and can result in early deterioration of the cervical curve and a host of negative symptoms.
Chiropractors correct your cervical spine, but the effects can only last long if you maintain a healthy posture while working and using a smartphone. Thus rehabilitation always needs to be a combination of education - changing habits, specific stretches and exercises COMBINED with chiropractic treatment.
Keep Yourself Hydrated
Dehydration is frequently associated with muscle cramps and other musculoskeletal disorders. Drinking ample amounts of water can ensure optimal muscle and bone health. That way, you can prolong the effects of a chiropractic adjustment.
Try Heat or Cold Application
Alternating hot and cold therapy has proven beneficial in chronic inflammatory disorders. Heat treatment is effective in releasing tension in the muscles and reducing muscle soreness. Cold therapy aids in flushing out inflammation. Both strategies lend a hand in extending the impact of spinal manipulation.
Add Exercise or Stretches to Your Routine
Chiropractors recommend regular stretches and exercise to keep the muscles and joints strong and would be able to advise what will support your condition best. Light stretches and yoga are helpful for improving neck strain and lower back pain. Light workouts with weights can also prevent the recurrence of pain and disability.
Duration of Chiropractic Appointment
For almost all patients, a chiropractic session is generally brief and precise. A chiropractor appointment lasts for an average of 10 to 30 minutes. However, your rehabilitation journey may require more intense visits at first and a couple of spinal corrections a week for a month or two, depending on the severity of your symptoms.
So, be prepared to visit the chiropractic clinic for a few weeks of more continuous sessions at first!
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